Our mission is to support and ‘raise the bar’ for the younger members of our community in Medway, to improve outcomes, irrespective of their background or starting point.
To support members of the community of Medway to improve outcomes, irrespective of their background or starting point
Raising Youth is a community and all those directly connected (staff, trustees, parents/carers, families and children) have an essential role to play in making it safe and secure.
Staff at Raising Youth recognise their moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of 
all children.
The charity recognises the importance of providing an ethos and environment that will help children to feel safe, secure and respected; encourage them to talk openly; and enable them to feel confident that they will be listened to. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
It is everyone's responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children as it is a paramount concern within our community
• All children (defined as those up to the age of 18) regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
• All children have a right to be heard and to have their wishes and feelings taken into account
• All staff understand safe professional practice and adhere to our code of conduct and other associated policies
• All staff have a responsibility to recognise vulnerability in children and act on any concern in accordance with this guidance
The charity has appointed Callum Thomas as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Prevent Lead. The DSL has the overall responsibility for the day-to-day oversight of safeguarding and child protection systems.
The DSL will undergo appropriate and specific training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their role.
The charity has appointed additional staff to deputise for the DSL. The role of the deputy DSL is to take responsibility for the day-to-day oversight when the DSL is not present. Peter Fleet has been appointed as Deputy DSL.
The Deputy DSLs has attended appropriate training which enables them to fulfil this role. Whilst the activities of the designated safeguarding lead may be delegated to the deputy, the ultimate lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection remains with the designated safeguarding lead and this responsibility will not be delegated.
All of our policies available for download
Policies used in day to day operations and management
Safeguarding and Child Policy 2023/24
Safeguarding and Child Policy 2023/24 (Easy-read)
Management of Safeguarding Allegations Policy 2023/26
Health and Safety Policy 2023/26
Data Protection Policy 2023/26
Malpractice and Maladmission Policy 2023/26
Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Policy 2023/26
Access to Fair Assessment Policy 2023/26
Complaints Policy 2023/26
Equality and Diversity Policy 2023/26